

"150 copies only, because we are unknown and unrespectable. Music from Le Chocolat Noir, Tryphème, Russell Alderton, Luke Eargoggle, BLCKMOON77 and Kim Rapatti for your emotional sorrows, choose for now,the energy transmission , take and congregate. The breakable experience of an unconventional trip, but not so modern as that."The release is linking diverses styles to express the complexity of sound, resuming it as a non-unique entity but diverses spheres to explore. This is electronica wave music presenting artists from Sweden, Croatia, France, Finland, USA, England. Additional material by A.I.Z & Mr. Gehm.

Sub Rec 1140

Blackmoon77, Kim Rapatti, Le Chocolat Noir, Luke Eargoggle, Russell Alderton, Trypheme

Name: Mélodies Souterraines : U/V
Label: Late-Night Rec
Format: 12" MLP
Country: FR
Style: Electro, Expe Techno , IDM
Weight: 0.24 kg

359 Kč

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Le Chocolat Noir - Reason

Blackmoon77 - Lo-Fi Mayhem

Russell Alderton - 186721762

Kim Rapatti - Instrument VI

Trypheme - First Train

Luke Eargoggle - Break The Limits

Unknown - untitled