

Reviews in the Daily paper NRC.Next (15/03/06): 4/5 stars "The course is wayward but still accessible" "Although the term indie (for: independent) tends to loose its meaning after the mega-success of indie-bands like Franz Ferdinand and Artic Monkeys, there are still bands around that want to take an independent stand. Guitarband Zoppo from Amsterdam follows its own course with music that is, within all its waywardness, surprisingly accessible. Their fourth album "Don't Trust Scarred Survivors" follows along the lines of edgy guitarmusic of Joy Division, Sonic Youth, Pavement and Dutch examples as Mecano and The Ex. Exceptional about Zoppo is that, despite the lo-fi-ish megaphone vocals and piercing guitars, they reach a level of emotional expressiveness that since the heydays of Radiohead as a guitarrockband hasn't been heard this strong. Here you won't find casual three-chord songs on fantreeguitars, but carefully fitting parts of two string-fetishists (Cees

Transformed Dreams 35 LP


Name: Dont Trust Scarred Survivors
Label: Transformed Dreams
Format: LP
Country: NL
Style: New Pop
Weight: 0.40 kg

485 Kč

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